Friday, October 14, 2016

Something to chew on…

Psalm 139, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made…”

God pursues us in the midst of our brokenness! 

Sometimes we look at broken things and see them as a waste or a shame. They may not get thrown away, or maybe we just cast them off to the side and forget about them. Maybe we look at them and with disgust or pity because of what could have been. How do you view broken people? How do you see kids who do not have it all together? How do you view their problems? How do you view their actions? I guess the better question would be, how does Jesus see them? When Jesus looks at broken things what does He see?

When He saw the women caught in adultery He saw someone in need of real love and He gave it to her (some scholars believe she was one of the women who ran to the tomb that first Easter morning). When He saw the centurion, He saw a hurting daddy filled with phenomenal faith, when He saw you He saw a life filled with potential!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bringing Hope

Give This Christmas Away!

Matthew 25:35-40, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’  “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew West sings a song titled, “Give this Christmas Away.” The first few stanzas go like this:

What if I told you that you have the power to give someone hope far beyond their wildest dreams? What if I told you it’s right there in your hands? In your hands it's hard to imagine how something so small can make all the difference and tear down the tallest wall. What if December looked different this year? What if we all just give this Christmas away …

That is exactly what we gave to 15 families this year!  CCA, your kindness and generosity brought hope to families this Christmas! Here are a few of their stories:

Anthony and Maria and their three children are some of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Their daughter, Natalia’s smile will be in my heart forever. You see, when I delivered their gifts and food her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Her father (who is out of work because of an injury) was left speechless and her sweet mom (with tears rolling down her eyes) kept saying is all this for us?! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Susan is a 60 year old shut-in (someone who is stuck at home) who has been battling cancer for 6 years. She lives alone with her three cats. She is going through chemo and radiation once again! Your love and kindness brought a smile to her tired eyes, and I think the greatest gift given to her was our time. Our “secret Santa’s” spent time talking to her and praying over her! My dearest friends, that is ministry! People do not care how much we say we love God until they see the love of God in us!

Amy is a middle class single mother of four  trying to make ends meet. Her statement to me was, “You get two steps ahead and then you get knocked back ten steps. Life is hard!”. We sent out a wish list for her and her children and the only things she had on it was groceries! Her humility and grace warmed my heart!  I took several students with me to deliver Christmas to her family. She was overwhelmed and eternally grateful for your gifts of love in Jesus’ name! She sent me a text saying, “Thank you so very much. I broke down crying just now. Overwhelmingly grateful! Boys just said in excitement that they haven’t seen our pantry so full in many months!! We are truly blessed by you all!!” My response to her, “To God be the glory, great things He has done!”

Sylvia has two children and one of them, her precious little five year old boy is dying of cancer! She is absolutely devastated. As we filled her car with gifts and food for her and her two children she was overwhelmed with happiness. Tears of joy and sorrow flowed down her cheeks as she hugged me and thanked CCA for all we have done! As I hold my six year old son who is not feeling well I am reminded that his is just a cold and in a few days he will bounce back to normal. Sylvia cannot say that; if the doctors are correct her son will not have another Christmas. Sylvia, did not know us before we delivered to her and I hope she never forgets our God who saw her needs and sent hope! Wow, what a gift God gave us to allow us to have a part in their lives. My friends, Jesus said if we do for the least of these we have done it to Him! I am grateful for such an opportunity.

Carla and her delightful son, Isaac are homeless. They travel between two friend’s homes and her truck. She has a job and he is faithful to be in school, she just doesn’t have a home! Do you know that statistics say that children learn better when they have a home? What we delivered to Carla is working to meet the needs of her son. One of the things she asked for were new tires for her truck. She said she knew it probably wouldn’t happen but I figured she would ask. Well, the Bible teaches us to live by faith, and a sweet family volunteered to put four new tires on her truck! She was shocked and amazed at the generosity! Once again to God be the glory!!!   
I hope these stories inspire your hearts! I write these stories to encourage you (and myself) to live as Christ and to give our lives away every day! These are our neighbors who are in need. Sometimes it is so much easier to help those far away and we neglect those who are struggling at home. Please do not misunderstand me,  I am all about reaching and meeting the needs of those abroad. However, there are those in great need all around us and it only takes a little love to give Christmas away! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the gift of hope! This is not about me, CCA, or our families- this is about the mercy of God being poured out on people’s lives to bring them hope! Jesus is hope!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankfulness.... sometimes it is easier said then done!

I am a man with much to be thankful for! But why do I find it so hard to be thankful? Am I selfish? Do I suffer from blessing amnesia? Am I not willing to look at the struggles and see them as blessings? Do I think more highly of myself than I should at times?  Are there times I think less of the goodness of God in my life? Maybe all of the above is true! No not maybe, yes all of the above is true!

I can be very self-centered thinking that the world, my family, my job, EVERYTHING revolves around ME!!! I remember God’ goodness and His blessings when times are good, but forget about it when hard times hit. I can be full of pride and empty of humility when my eyes turn to me and not my Savior! Please don’t be too quick to judge me, because if you really examined your own heart you and I are not so different.

So why is it so hard to see the blessings in the brokenness? Why is it so hard to reflect on the good things in our past? Why do we think more of ourselves than we should? I am not sure! What I do know is that I have to make a decision to praise Him in all circumstances; I have to decide to have a thankful heart despite the situation. Notice I did not say my situation! I do not believe my life can be summed up as a situation. Circumstances come my way but they never have to be permanent. Situations feel permanent!

Circumstances can make you feel like you have been wronged! You did not deserve that! Why would they do that to you? How dare they say that! It is not fair!!!! Does that sound familiar? I know one person who did not echo those words…Jesus! He did not deserve what He got! Yet, the Bible tells us He never said a word. You talk about being wronged! Jesus was wronged! He was betrayed by a friend and rejected by His people; one of His closest followers denied even knowing Him. Talk about being hurt deeply! Christ was hurt deeply, and it may not have been fair but there was a purpose!

 His circumstances where to bring about the Father’s plan for His life … and ours FORGIVENESS OF SINS! Do you see where I am going with this? Our circumstances are to bring about the Father’s plan for our lives… forgiveness, grace, strength, humility, blessings, challenges, hope, salvation etc… the list could go on and on! I want to be like Christ!

So I am going to be Thankful in all situations and circumstances! I am going to praise Him for my family, life, ministry, children, wife, diabetes, etc….  Why? Because God has a plan for me, and my friend He has a plan for you as well! Whatever you are going through today pause for the cause and find something to have an attitude of gratitude!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

In Everything Give Thanks

Something to chew on…

September 30, 2012

 I Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you;” (Not my favorite verse in the BibleJ)

Have you ever had a week where it seemed like everything went wrong? I had such a week: van not running right, renters not paying the rent, criticism that hurt my heart, sickness that kept me home from work, kid issues, football team lost, and to top it off my camper was vandalized.  Man my week stunk!!

Nevertheless God‘s Word to me this week was, ”be thankful!” BE THANKFUL!!!! Are you kidding me?! I don’t feel like being thankful!  I want to be mad, hurt, frustrated, aggravated and downright annoyed at all these little injustices in my life!!

But wait, He tells me that in all things I should give thanks! Find a reason to praise Him because He is so worthy! So here we go: God, I praise You that I made it home in the van! Father, I am grateful that I have renters  in my house so I don’t have to shelter that burden every month. Dear God, thank You for the criticism, because it caused me to examine my motives and my heart! Lord, thank You for forcing me to stay in bed and get rest through my sickness. Thank you for the hard times with my kids so I can really appreciate the breakthroughs. Lord, thank You for teaching our boys that in losing you often gain experience, and Lord, thank You that they only broke a couple windows and that no one was hurt during the vandalism of our camper.

Was that so hard to do? Honestly, yes.. at first. But it became easier as I did it. God never promised us it would always be easy but God’s Word tells us in Romans, “rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed;”

God will work all things for your good and His glory! So be thankful even when it hurts, be thankful when you don’t understand. Because your heavenly Father is at work in your life!

Be blessed

Monday, August 27, 2012

Reflections on Camp

What do you get when you mix two weeks of camp, the hot Texas sun, eighty kids, rope courses, rock climbing walls, preaching, and let’s not forget ─ the BLOB? You get memories that last a lifetime, fears that have been overcome, friendships that were created, and deeper relationships with Jesus Christ.

I had the honor of taking our middle school and upper school to camp Cho-Yeh two times over the last two weeks. Camp consisted of a low rope team building exercise where the kids were challenged to work together as a team. Some did this easier than others, but at the end of the day, a very valuable lesson was learned. They learned that we are much stronger and wiser together. The students learned that size doesn't matter, and we all have something positive to bring to the table.

We saw kids overcome their fear of heights by climbing to the top of the rock climbing wall and zip lining down. I personally have a thing for lakes. Maybe it has something to do with a certain school administrator and tubing or my lack of ability to swim. Whatever the case, I don't like them Sam I Am! However, I was challenged to slide down into the lake. I reluctantly took the challenge! Hey ─ they said it was only five feet deep. They were wrong!!! I dropped in and let me just say with thirty-something kids watching, you really resist the urge to scream, “HELP!!!!!!” But, as you can see, I survived. I will see you next year, Lake Evelyn!!!

 Chapel was a special time for us as well. Each chapel consisted of my version of Fear Factor ─ otherwise known as "Bible Survival"! The kids were split into teams and given food and physical challenges. Several of our students led in song and prayer throughout the week. The kids were challenged in the first week to overcome the Giants in their lives (Giants such as Peer Pressure, Faith, Trust, Loneliness and Anger) and to trust that God can do the Impossible ─ overcoming impossible obstacles such as sickness, relationships, physical handicaps, and a new school year.

During the second week with our eighth and ninth graders, we focused on leadership, Spiritual leadership, as well as personal leadership. The students were challenged to be the young men and women that God created them to be. They were encouraged to overcome the obstacles to leadership (Obstacles such as "Complacency, Popularity, Priorities, Insecurity and Fear)! We encouraged the students to give these obstacles to God and allow Him to make them into the leaders we see they can be. Anna Peters came and gave a stirring testimony about her life. This allowed the kids to see that we can overcome these obstacles through faith and perseverance.  

We had a sweet time in prayer and discussion with our upper grades. Students prayed for one another and comforted those who were struggling with different issues. We definitely saw God move in their hearts, and we truly believe an eternal impact was made!

One of the highlights of the trip was the Crud War. This lovely obstacle course consisted of three chaperones, twenty-three students and a ton of MUD. It was fun watching students and staff laugh and play in the mud. We were covered from head to toe in mud and gook. Man, it was awesome!!

Major lessons learned from camp:

(1) God is in control - Trust Him with all your heart!

(2)You can do all things through Christ – “Can't” is never an acceptable answer.

(3)Whatever God has asked us to do, He will make a way for us to fulfill His will, and finally

(4) Leaders must lead - Just because they are young doesn't mean they cannot be leaders! They have to become leaders while they are young so they can become great leaders when they are older! 

Camp was a time of refreshing of our minds, relationship building and renewal of our faith. I am thankful that the Lord allowed me to be a part of two great weeks! Now let's rock this world for Jesus Christ and see what our young people can do!

Corey L. Waters

Campus Minister

Cornerstone Christian Academy



Monday, May 14, 2012

New Orleans Reflections

Lamentations 3:51, “Mine eye affecteth mine heart…” 

Last week I took ten of our 8th graders to New Orleans (NOLA) for a service project. Little did I know the impact it would have on them! We wanted to do an 8th grade trip that would be fun, memorable and have a ministry aspect to it. Well, this trip was all that and more. I am going to share some of the stories about the people we ran into. I must admit that when you hear the word “homeless,” your mind goes to different places.  Why can’t they get a job, they are just running from responsibility, they must be on drugs, or my personal favorite, they must just like living this way.

What I discovered is that all this is true and so much more. These people we call homeless/outcast are still people with stories. They were children with dreams and aspirations, and life has somehow brought them to this place NOLA; a place where they walk until they cannot walk anymore. A place where, when they fall asleep, it is in the daylight (with their eyes open) because it is not safe to sleep at night. A place where they have no comforts of home only the rugged feel of a park bench or the wooden steps of a dock. Where dinner may be served from a garbage can while patrons in the expensive restaurant 20 feet away eat like Kings and Queens! The kids learned to look at them through different eyes. No longer eyes of fear and judgment, but eyes of compassion! The following are some of their stories. I hope it challenges and touches your heart like they touched mine!

Torch- His real name is Robert. He stood about six feet tall with dirty blonde hair. His eyes had dark circles around them and his teeth were decayed from years of drug use. He smelled and he looked mean and scary. He also walked up to us after we prayed with a man and said, “I need prayer! Will you pray for me?” Even as I write this, tears swell in my eyes; to hear the desperation in his voice and the look of pure exhaustion on his face. Pray? Of course we will pray! I asked him to tell me a little about himself. He is twenty-eight and has been on the streets of NOLA for 11 years. He has been in and out of jail, married and divorced, feeling hopeless! We talked to him and prayed for him and with him. I wish I could say we led him to Christ but I cannot, however I can say we impacted his life for the kingdom and I trust that God’s word will not go unheard!

Mr. Wendell - Mr. Wendell is a “lifer” on the streets. He has no desire to get out! He makes his living playing the guitar and panhandling. When I asked him about his story he evaded the question. He seemed very content sitting on the dock of the bay wasting time and playing his guitar. He hid his beer can behind his legs so the kids would not see. I appreciated that! He played Christian music and professed his love for God. Yet, I wonder about his soul! I wonder!

Roland – Roland was well spoken and kind. His eyes were filled with hurt and his posture told me his walls were up to protect himself. My friend Scott (he is our history teacher) began a conversation with Roland about how he ended up on the streets. Roland told of how his daughter had died two years ago and he ran away from life because he could not cope with the loss. He left his wife to heal alone; he left his family! Two years later he is still dealing with the same feelings and issues. He told us his wife has moved on with her life and his parents still search for him. He hides from them when he sees them. His shame is hard to bear. He has put walls up to keep the people who love him and those he loves at bay. Why? Because if you do not let people get close to you, then you can never get hurt like that again! He is a runner. I asked him to run to Jesus! Scott and I told him to go to his parents. His comment was, “If I go to them I am going to fall apart.” I told him the story of the prodigal son, how the father was watching for his wandering child. He said he would think about it. We prayed with him and went on our way. I cannot get him out of my mind!

Lastly, I want to share Donna’s story. Donna’s face held years of drinking and drug use. Her wrinkled skin and smoker’s breath were overshadowed only by her unkempt grey hair and a deep sadness in her eyes. We gave Donna a “Blessing Bag,” and spent some time in prayer with her. In return she played us her rendition of John 3:16 on guitar.

One student asked me why so many people say they are Christians, but really don’t look like they know Him. My answer was, “You can know of God without having a relationship with Him.” “This makes them think they are right before Him, but if they have never surrendered their lives and sought forgiveness for their sins, they can have no relationship!” This breaks my heart! I wish I could have done more, prayed more said more to convince them to come to Christ. All I can do is trust that what we did in the name of Christ would make an impression on that city!

Later that day, Donna ran into Anne and Noelle, the other chaperones in our group, and she told them how a preacher and some kids gave her some food and prayed with her! I guess we were not the only ones affected by our trip!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Holding on to Hope

Hope Makes You Not Ashamed

Romans 5:5, “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” Well it is 4:00 in the morning February 20, and it is my turn to have baby duty! Yes, I said baby duty! Some of you are saying to yourself, “What!!!” Trust me, I said the same thing and more over the last three days. But this story starts a few months back.

In December Kasie and I talked honestly about adopting another child after watching a Steven Curtis Chapman video about adoption. We both thought we were crazy for even talking about it. We prayed and decided that if God wanted us to adopt AGAIN we would but He would have to bring it to us. In other words we were not going to pursue this with our emotions. If this feeling was from God He would direct us. Oh, one more thing:  my wife threw out there that she wanted a baby and it had to be a girl! We talked with our kids and they agreed that if God showed us we would do it.

Let’s fast forward to a couple weeks ago. I get an email from a co-worker saying there is a young lady (we will call her Sarah) who is looking for an African-American family to adopt her baby. Now remember, my beautiful wife is a few shades lighter than the rest of the familyJ

Kasie and I talked and we decided that maybe this is God, and we should follow through as long as He leaves the door open. So I called the adoption agency and got information about fees and what they were looking for. That conversation scared me half to death. However, we decided that if God opened a door we would walk through. So I sent pictures and a very short biography profile of our family to the agency and they shared it with Sarah (this was Monday, February 14). I was told on Wednesday that they had shared our profile along with two others to Sarah, and we made the first cut. We would have an answer by Friday. Both of us were afraid if it happened, and we were afraid it wouldn’t happen

Thursday, February 16 - Kasie is fighting with herself and God about this adoption. “We are getting old!  I am going back to college. Our life just calmed down!”  Then it happened! God told her to trust Him. Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” So at 10:45 pm she surrendered her heart to do whatever He said!

Friday, February 17- During my morning devotion I decided that no matter what I would praise God. If we were picked I would praise Him and if we were not picked I would praise Him! That afternoon I received an email from the agency saying call us ASAP she picked you and it is a baby girl! I almost passed out. I went to tell Kasie so we could call them together (she was shocked). When we called we found out that Sarah was in the hospital and would be there until the baby was born. She was due March 1, so I am thinking she is going to be in the hospital for a few weeks. Not so! She was in labor right NOW!!! I was in shock. The adoption case worker told me we would have a baby today! So a week and a half ago we are praying about the opportunity to adopt a baby and in less than twenty-four hours I would have a daughter.

Saturday February 18 – Hope Gabrielle Waters was born at 1:45 am, she weighed 7# 2oz, and was 19 and ¾ inches long. We met our new daughter and Sarah at 11:00 am. Wow!! Kasie asked Sarah why she waited so long to decide on adoption. Sarah said, she had one child and thought about keeping this one but a few months ago decided that she couldn’t give the baby the life she wanted for her and felt it was best if she picked out a suitable family for her baby. Do you see the time frame? That was around the same time God began to work on us about another child! God had orchestrated the whole thing and we stand amazed in His presence. This is not about the Waters this is about the Waters’ God!

The kids are excited and they have fallen in love with her. She has Cameron and Noah wrapped around her little finger. Nick keeps saying “Mommy, Daddy, I am so happy!” and Faith? well let’s just say she hasn’t stopped smiling or talking since Friday! Kasie, well she has the biggest smile I have seen in years. As for me, let’s just say she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. Boy, am I in trouble!